W09 - Sex Addiction or Sex Offending: The Controversy in the Wake of the #Metoo Movement (1.5 CE)
Date & Time
Saturday, October 20, 2018, 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM

Many people are understandably outraged by the profusion of sex offenders who have gone to treatment for sex addiction. In this presentation, Stefanie Carnes will address many of the common questions about this issue. Are these individuals sex offenders? Is it helpful to call them "sex addicts," or is it just an excuse and a way to get them off the hook for bad behavior? What are some of the issues a clinician needs to consider when ethically treating this population?
Upon completion of this session, attendees will be able to:
1) Explain how to recognize complex PTSD in partners and family members of addicts
2) Discuss how to develop a rapport and support partners and family members through the crisis of discovering sex addiction
3) Name 3 treatment strategies for treating complex PTSD in family members of sex addicts
Upon completion of this session, attendees will be able to:
1) Explain how to recognize complex PTSD in partners and family members of addicts
2) Discuss how to develop a rapport and support partners and family members through the crisis of discovering sex addiction
3) Name 3 treatment strategies for treating complex PTSD in family members of sex addicts