Lunch and Plenary Session - Latest Impact Google Changes are Having on the Field
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 2, 2018, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Daniel Gemp, President & CEO, Dreamscape Marketing, LLC
Josh Weum, Director of Paid Search Media, Dreamscape Marketing
Josh Weum, Director of Paid Search Media, Dreamscape Marketing

Addiction treatment is one of just four businesses that are now filtered through a customized algorithm built by Google in an effort to prevent consumers from being funneled into fraudulent or illegal schemes. As the search engine giant continues to work with industry leaders on improving protocols, treatment centers are wondering how SEO is changing and how they can rise above the digital noise. The presenter will offer practical tips for what leaders must do to maintain an ethical, effective digital marketing presence that truly conveys the quality and compassion of their treatment programs.