Using Real-Time Analytics to Improve Patient Clinical Outcomes
Date & Time
Tuesday, May 21, 2019, 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Robert Altemose , Clinical Operations Analytics Director, Adventist Health System
Judi Reed , Senior Manager, Clinical Operations Analytics & User Experience, Adventist Health System
Judi Reed , Senior Manager, Clinical Operations Analytics & User Experience, Adventist Health System

Attempting to improve quality outcomes retrospectively has shown to be ineffective. Quality care is essential to improving outcomes and therefore a proactive approach is essential. In this session we demonstrate how moving from retro to real-time data analytics improved the opportunity for our clinicians to provide quality care. Learn how we combined real world clinical experiences with innovative architecture, while leveraging existing technology, to produce a near-time dashboard for nurses. This session goes beyond mere concept and shares practical applications of near and real-time reporting. We will share how we combined analytics and technology to save clinicians time while increasing the visibility of the quality of care being delivered, ultimately leading to improved outcomes.
Submission Type
Provider Spotlight