How Tallahassee Memorial Hospital has Reduced ER Visits, Reduced Costs and is Better Serving Tallahassee’s Homeless Populations
Date & Time
Tuesday, May 21, 2019, 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Lauren Faison , Service Line Administrator for Population Health and Telemedicine, Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare System
Monique Ellsworth , Executive Director, Connecting Everyone with Second Chances
Monique Ellsworth , Executive Director, Connecting Everyone with Second Chances

Tallahassee Memorial Hospital received a $500,000 grant to research and implement technology solutions that would improve care for Tallahassee’s homeless population and reduce strain on area emergency rooms. Lauren Faison , service line administrator for population health and telemedicine, will discuss how this program has been implemented and how this investment has already reduced costs of care by more than a million dollars.
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Provider Spotlight
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