Health Care Reinvention Hinges on the Integration of Payer/Provider Data and Technology
Date & Time
Thursday, October 17, 2019, 8:30 AM - 9:15 AM
Shahid Alam
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota is working to reinvent health care in the state by collaborating with providers on long-term, innovative solutions to some of our biggest challenges, including the prevention and management of chronic disease and the unsustainable rise in health care costs. 
Under the leadership of Shahid Alam, chief analytics and information officer at Blue Cross, data analytics and IT have been integrated into a single operating model aimed at creating more possibilities for this reinvention. 
In our opening keynote, Mr. Alam will explain why the integration of payer/provider data and technology is crucial to the future of health care, what some of the major challenges will be, and how – when accomplished – it will impact cost, health outcomes and patient experience. He will also share his vision for the role that analytics and machine learning will play in this transformation and provide relevant insights into the recently announced joint venture between Blue Cross and North Memorial Health. 
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Keynote Presentation
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