Hiring and Retaining the Right Healthcare Technology Staff
Date & Time
Monday, June 3, 2019, 9:15 AM - 10:00 AM
Neil Gomes , Chief Digital Officer and Senior Vice President for Technology Innovation and Consumer Experience, Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health
Robert Neff , Vice President, Digital Solutions, Jefferson University
Robert Neff , Vice President, Digital Solutions, Jefferson University

Healthcare is one of the fastest growing industries. This growth has affected all aspects of the healthcare supply chain, from providers (doctors), to facilities, education, drug development, software and technology, and implementation and support. While this has created an influx of people interested in working in healthcare, this only increases the challenge in finding the right people. This session will focus on how to find talent and keep it in healthcare technology. The speakers will cover several different roles in healthcare technology, including support, implementation, development, and management. Hiring staff to work in traditional IS&T (information services and technology) is very challenging, and if your organization wants to do more than simply keep up with operations, it is critical to find the right people.
Submission Type
Provider Spotlight
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