Overhauling Information and Technology Service Delivery: A Success Story
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM
Audrius Polikaitis PhD, Cio, Ui health
Effie Economopoulous MS, Director, IS Planning and Project Management Office, University of Illinois Hosptial
Effie Economopoulous MS, Director, IS Planning and Project Management Office, University of Illinois Hosptial

The information services (IS) team at the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System (UI Health) was challenged by the executive team to improve customer service, to incorporate service delivery standardization, to simplify processes, to improve transparency, and to implement best practice ITIL workflows. Accepting the challenge from the Executive Team, over the course of many months the IS department embarked on a process to completely overhaul the service delivery program. During the course of this program, we struggled with how to change the IS department culture from an old “help desk” paradigm to an integrated, service-oriented culture. We found that we needed to do a complete process re-design, embracing transparency, implementing best practice workflows, and overall simplifying and standardizing. During this program implementation, the group worked to overcome many preconceived notions by the department, including a mindset of “this is how we’ve always done it.". Discussion topics include:
- Describe the key aspects of a service delivery improvement project
- State the benefits of focusing on process first and ensuring stakeholder inclusivity
- Define the future state workflows for incident, change, problem, knowledge, and request management
- Describe the approach used to assess department readiness to transition to the new future state workflows
- List the outcomes of the implementation, focusing on the associated metrics and dashboards for service delivery improvement