Identity & Access Management: Addressing the Business Challenges and Risk Around Managing a Complex User Population
Date & Time
Thursday, November 14, 2019, 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Mark Hagland Collin Perry


Today’s organizations face multi-faceted challenges with managing 360-degree identity relationships and associated risk with its workforce, business partners, customers and others while ensuring the right people have the right access to the right applications and data at the right time.  In addition, state legislation has a direct impact on how organizations must treat specific user populations.  In the state of California, by example, physicians are non-employees.  They are essentially contracted by the hospital.  The continued and increasing M&A activity across the healthcare industry puts an additional layer of stress on healthcare organizations as they manage the influx of new identity relationships.  Lastly, as organizations are “scored” on their ability to reduce the readmittance of patients, the need to share clinical data across acute and post-acute practices is ever increasing which adds additional security and privacy stress across the security ecosystem.
This session will discuss: 

  • The importance of understanding identity relationships
  • How organizations need to consider the full workforce identity lifecycle, especially the risks related to non-employees
  • The importance of establishing identity integrity


Submission Type
Fireside Chat
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