Location: Hyatt Regency Hotel, Atlanta, GA
Submission Deadline Date: Thursday, August 30, 2018 - The call for presentations is now closed.
The National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit is the largest national collaboration of professionals from local, state and federal agencies, business, academia, clinicians, treatment providers, counselors, educators, state and national leaders, and advocates impacted by Rx drug abuse and heroin use.
Join your colleagues, sponsors and exhibitors at the 2019 National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit and submit a presentation proposal.
The session programs and presentations will be tailored to provide stakeholders timely and relevant information for their particular fields. Submissions will be reviewed by the Rx Summit’s National Advisory Board members, who represent multi-disciplinary interests in the Rx drug abuse and heroin issues.
- Session title
- Session abstract (Max 250 words)
- Three (3) session objectives
- Three (3) post-session quiz questions
- Identification of topic area (listed below)
The Summit will be accepting presentation proposals that accommodate the following formats:
- Educational Session (75-minutes, including a question and answer segment)
- Pre-Conference Workshop Sessions (2 hours, including a question and answer segment)
- Supporting evidence-based data from research or demonstrated results.
- Intent to provide details on how to implement a successful program or others to replicate.
Harm Reduction Strategies – Practical strategies and active programs aimed at reducing the negative consequences associated with drug use, such as overdose prevention, supervised injection facilities, field-based drug testing. and syringe access,
Presenters will be required to complete a Conflict of Interest Reporting Form as part of their speaker agreement.
Presenters agree to waive any honorariums. Please keep this in mind for budgeting purposes.
For up to two (2) presenters per submission, the Summit will:
- Provide complimentary full conference registration.
- Reimburse presenter's airfare up to $350 and ground transportation between the airport and the hotel up to $50 (based on the IRS mileage rate in effect at the time). All presenters will be responsible for arranging all air and ground transportation.
- Provide complimentary hotel accommodations for up to three nights at the Hyatt Regency Plaza (or nearby hotel) for presenters who are not based in Atlanta. If you wish to extend your stay beyond three nights, you may do so at your own expense. If you choose to stay at another property, the Rx Summit will not pay for those accommodations.
For submissions that exceed two (2) presenters, the Summit will not provide conference registration, hotel accommodation, nor travel reimbursement for additional presenters.
The Summit will provide complimentary registration, hotel accommodation and travel reimbursement for no more than two (2) presenters from one (1) organization, in case that organization is associated with multiple presentation proposals.
The Summit will notify applicants by the end of November regarding whether their submission was accepted or declined.