Healthcare Innovation Announces the Winning Teams in Our Innovator Awards Program
The editors of Healthcare Innovation are delighted to announce the winning teams and the semifinalist winners in our annual Innovator Awards Program
Healthcare Innovation's Annual Innovator Awards Program
Highlighting the Very Best Healthcare Innovations in the Industry
How it Works
Throughout the year, Healthcare Innovation will collect stories of innovation, review them for possible additional reporting, and post approved submissions on our website, with some included within daily newsletter. Each story will qualify for the Annual Innovator Awards Program, a chance to be highlighted as the top healthcare innovation in the country. Each vendor story will be featured in a print magazine issue.
We’ve intentionally made the story formats simple and straightforward and we’ll even work with you to fine-tune your story. Share your story outline now – it only takes 5 minutes!
Winners are selected based on a variety of criteria, including impact, replicability, relevance, and ingenuity. The more widely an innovation might be replicated, the greater the impact it could have on healthcare delivery or operations, and how ingenious and forward-thinking it is.
Benefits to Sharing Your Story
Healthcare Providers
Submissions CLOSED
Each approved submission may qualify for:
- The Annual Innovator Awards Program
- Inclusion on our website -, reaching over 100,000 healthcare executives each month.
- Winners will be selected and announced in the July/August 2021 Healthcare Innovation magazine issue dedicated to the Annual Innovator Awards Program. Print issues will be mailed to 44,000 of the top healthcare executives in the industry and an additional 70,000 executives will receive the digital edition.
- Social media shout-out through Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter; touting your story of innovation. Our LinkedIn group has 4,600 members and our Twitter handle have over 19,900 followers!
- An invitation to speak at our widely acclaimed Healthcare Innovation Summit Series and Cybersecurity Forums.
Vendor Solution Providers $5,000
Submissions CLOSED
Submissions CLOSED
Share your story with us and receive:
- Inclusion on our website -, reaching over 100,000 healthcare executives each month.
- Inclusion in our Daily enewsletter
- Inclusion in an upcoming Healthcare Innovation magazine issue. Print issues will be mailed to 44,000 of the top healthcare executives in the industry and an additional 70,000 executives will receive the digital edition. Submissions for each issue must meet the following deadlines:
- March/April issue closing 2/22
- May/June issue closing 4/23
- July/August issue closing 6/25
- All nominations will be considered for the Annual Innovator Awards Program announced in the July/August 2021 issue.
- Social media shout-out through Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter; touting your story of innovation. Our LinkedIn group has 4,600 members and our Twitter handle have over 19,900 followers!
Winners receive additional promotions:
- Announcement in July/August 2021 issue
- Full Page ad in July/August 2021 issue (HIMSS issue)
- Additional social media promotion
- Press release
- Exclusive website write-up of winners' stories
- Newsletter announcement