Supply Chain and Surgical Services in the Post-Pandemic New World Order – Part 1
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 6:00 AM
Rick Dana Barlow Sue Tyk

Healthcare operations strive for epic crossover between the two teams.

The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2022 not only infected hundreds of millions of people (the World Health Organization recorded nearly 97 million cases in the United States alone) but also disrupted – and in some cases, crippled – global supply chains during that two-year period that also affected billions of people around the world.

The pandemic not only tested our clinical resolve and resilience in delivering individual and community-based healthcare services but also tested what we thought we knew about our disaster preparedness plans and distribution processes that had been revised and updated continually since the 1990s against weather- or terrorist-related crises.

The emergence of each new crisis seemed to uncover elements and nuances yet to be addressed. Some might argue that we’ll never be truly ready for everything; others will contend we just have to keep pace with, if not one step ahead of, what might happen next.

Bottom line: Through crisis and calm, healthcare must continue … surgeries must be performed … supply chain needs to deliver … to complete the circle.

Hear from Sue Tyk, a veteran nurse-turned-supply chain management coach, mentor and operational leader, who will share expert strategies and tactics on how Supply Chain can and should work together with the OR/Surgical Services to keep communications, facilitation and the product pipeline open and fluid as well as clinicians equipped and surgical procedures fortified with the tools and supplies needed for patient care.

Learning Objectives:

  • How the manufacturing, logistics and distribution landscapes have been redrawn from lessons learned during the 2020-2022 pandemic to face the next crisis.
  • How Supply Chain can streamline operations and product access for OR/Surgical Services.
  • How Supply Chain can establish and facilitate a lasting, reliable and trustworthy partnership with OR/Surgical Services that can weather virtually any crisis.
Virtual Session Link
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