This presentation will introduce Opti's Smart Watershed Network Management (SWNM), which allows users to optimize their infrastructure within their watershed-based upon a variety of downstream conditions, across a variety of 3rd party sensors. Opti’s SWNM is a groundbreaking solution to meet many stormwater challenges, scaling up from a single site/BMP to an entire watershed. The first module for SWNM is Coordinated Release (CR). CR starts with reading outside sensor data and integrating into the control decisions at the site level. Opti technology integrates the weather forecast with local watershed conditions to optimize performance of stormwater assets.
The Opti platform is sensor agnostic, allowing customers to utilize existing monitoring networks already in place to manage upstream watershed conditions. Our robust API architecture is designed for this interoperability. Opti’s SWNM has an extensive product roadmap. Future capabilities include tidal flow conditions and temperature based control. By managing the upstream watershed proactively, Opti greatly reduces the risk and impact of CSO events and flooding.