Wastewater collection management is a vital but challenging task for many government administrations. It requires dealing with complex and uncertain factors such as aging infrastructure, rainfall derived inflow and infiltration, population migration, and climate change.
Don’t miss this chance to learn from this real-world example and see how you can apply this innovative approach to achieve your wastewater management objectives with data-driven insights and solutions.
Learning Objectives:
• Explain how a government administration successfully implemented a cutting-edge information system that leverages data science and artificial intelligence to optimize integrated water management.
• Understand how this system enabled the administration to enhance the performance and reliability of water-related infrastructure, make informed and robust decisions, and allocate resources/funds efficiently in the face of uncertainty.
• Describe how this system consists of various modules that address different aspects of wastewater management, such as smart asset management, dynamic hydraulic modeling, adaptive planning/clean-in-place, financial planning and resiliency.
• Apply this innovative approach to achieve your wastewater management objectives with data-driven insights and solutions.