How Digital Health Can Improve Quality of Care, Patient and Provider Experience, and Operational Efficiency
Date & Time
Friday, November 13, 2020, 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Natalie Pageler, MD Rajiv Leventhal


Coming into 2020, pre-COVID-19, implementing digital health technologies was a shared focus for hospitals and health system leaders across the nation. Not only were these technologies being used to reshape the ways physicians and patients interact with one another in the constant pursuit of enabling better care, but organizations were looking for ways to apply digital health resources to improve the patient and provider experience, as well as to streamline operations.

Join Dr. Natalie Pageler, MD, Chief Medical Information Officer at Stanford Children’s Health for an in-depth conversation on how new and emerging technologies can help health systems to deliver improved experiences and, ultimately, meet organizational goals. This session will focus on how healthcare organizations can help achieve core goals in quality, patient engagement and satisfaction, and provider experience and efficiency – using examples from Dr. Pageler and the team at Stanford Children’s Health.


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