Full Name
Judith Landau
Job Title
Neuropsychiatrist, President & CEO
ARISE Network
Speaker Bio
Judith Landau, MD, DPM, LMFT, CFLE, CIP, CAI, a child, family and community neuropsychiatrist, has specialized in addiction and other behavioral compulsions for more than 40 years, exploring the origins of problems and how to facilitate long-term healing for addicted individuals and their families. The ARISE Model for engaging and treating addicted individuals and their families is based on her model, Transitional Family Therapy. She has authored several books and over 200 papers, taught in over 100 countries and trained over 1,000 people as ARISE Interventionists. Additionally, Landau has served as consultant to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the World Health Organization and several international governments. A senior Fulbright consultant, Landau is recipient of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy’s award for Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Marriage and Family Therapy and the American Family Therapy Academy’s award for Innovative Contribution to Family Therapy.
Judith  Landau