Relocalizing Healthcare - The Future of Healthcare is Local, Open, and Independent
Date & Time
Thursday, October 29, 2020, 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

Relocalizing Health begins with an outline for the future of health that is predicated on a health care system that is local, open and independent. The contours of this success have already been proven. Now it is time to expand on these achievements. The book provides an explanation of not only how much money spent on health care is wasted (over $1 trillion), but how it has devastated public health and stolen away resilience from families and communities all across the United States making us much more vulnerable to the impacts of Covid-19. The book details how money better spent on education, primary care, and public health that build up communities is what we deserve given the talent and treasure invested in health.
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Keynote Presentation
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