Operate Smart & Safe - Medical Device Intelligence
Date & Time
Thursday, September 23, 2021, 1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
Amir Vashkover, VP, Business Development & Strategic Alliances, CyberMDX
Janette Wider, Editor-in-Chief, Healthcare Purchasing News
Janette Wider, Editor-in-Chief, Healthcare Purchasing News

With the continued cyber-attacks targeting healthcare, shutdowns of hospital operations are not just about the lights going out. Medical devices are also "connected" and when their availability is disrupted, patient care delivery comes to a halt. This session will explore why medical device security needs to be a "now" priority for hospitals. We'll also discuss what can be done to prevent service disruption - but also what can be done to mitigate and remediate it when it occurs.
Submission Type
Industry Partner Spotlight
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