8:00 AM - 8:50 AM (CDT) | |
8:50 AM - 9:00 AM (CDT) | |
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM (CDT) | Keynote Presentation
Senior leaders at Vanderbilt Health have been innovating rapidly around bundled-payment contracting. In this session, Healthcare Innovation Editor-in-Chief Mark Hagland will sit down with two Vanderbilt Health senior leaders to find out about the work they’ve been doing through that health system’s Office of Value Transformation. Attendees will find out how the MyHealth Bundles program was created, the clinical service lines that the program has been applied, to, and some of the fascinating details built into the forty-one bundles that have been created. Most importantly, the Vanderbilt leaders will share the most important lessons they’ve learned in creating and expanding their bundled-payments initiative.
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM (CDT) | Industry Partner Spotlight Industry partner spotlights feature engaging, passionate speakers whose talks expose new ideas in healthcare that are supported by concrete evidence and are relevant to current and future industry trends. Presentations will explore novel and counterintuitive approaches to solving the many complex problems facing our health system. |
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM (CDT) | |
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM (CDT) | Tailboard Talk
Attendees will benefit from a broad-based discussion of some of the most important trends in cybersecurity n U.S. healthcare right now. Among the key issues to be discussed:
- An examination of the current landscape around intensifying threat vectors for patient care organizations nationwide
- The need to develop an overarching strategy to address all relevant elements in the current operating landscape, rather than responding reactively
- A strong look at the armory of key tools available to combat malware/ransomware attacks, including network micro-segmentation, auditing of system backups, behavioral monitoring, and the engagement of external consultants, including security operations centers (SOCs)
- The concept of a zero-trust strategy, and what it means in practice
- Investing in systems, tools, and applications: opportunities and pitfalls
- Federal policy around cybersecurity and its impact on operations
- Gaining c-suite support for investment in cybersecurity
- Core staffing issues
- Peering into the future in this critical area
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM (CDT) | Industry Partner Spotlight
Health Systems continue to be exposed to ransomware attacks during the global pandemic with increased impact to patient care and exposure to large global integrated health delivery systems. Patients have recognized significant patient care impacts such as rescheduled surgeries, increased patient wait times, delayed COVID-19 test results, and challenges filling prescription medications. This presentation will provide healthcare executives a guide to understanding how their organization is positioned to protect against emerging ransomware threats.
Learning Objectives
• Provide thought leadership to current cyber security events
• Share industry experience and how they have impacted health systems.
• Educate leaders on what core security program elements should be foundationally in place.
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM (CDT) | |
12:45 PM - 1:15 PM (CDT) | Provider Spotlight
What does the landscape of healthcare operations look like right now from the standpoint of the professionals charged with leveraging data analytics to help their colleagues determine how to spend precious capital in their organizations, at a time of many competing priorities? Vikram Bollu, Director of Analytics for Capital Deployment at the Nashville-based HCA health system, will sit down with Healthcare Innovation Editor-in-Chief Mark Hagland, to discuss the challenges, opportunities, and complexities that he and his colleagues face in this vital, consequential, complex area of healthcare operations.
1:15 PM - 1:45 PM (CDT) | Industry Partner Spotlight
In today’s interconnected mobile society, health systems are facing unparalleled demands while grappling with how to leverage advanced technology to ensure data access without increasing organizational risk. Our conversation will focus on the state of identity security and the keys to rolling out a successful Identity Access Management solution. We’ll learn how healthcare providers are using SaaS, cloud and AI to reduce the friction for clinicians in a complex, compliance-driven industry by taking a preventative and strategic approach to identity management.
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM (CDT) | Industry Partner Spotlight
With the continued cyber-attacks targeting healthcare, shutdowns of hospital operations are not just about the lights going out. Medical devices are also "connected" and when their availability is disrupted, patient care delivery comes to a halt. This session will explore why medical device security needs to be a "now" priority for hospitals. We'll also discuss what can be done to prevent service disruption - but also what can be done to mitigate and remediate it when it occurs.
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM (CDT) | Industry Partner Spotlight
Intuitively, we know that ROI differs based on the severity of the problem being addressed. For example, when a manufacturer has quality issues, investments that fix them deliver a much higher ROI. Meaningful solutions to healthcare's IoT asset management and cybersecurity problems have not occurred. They are long standing and continue to be exacerbated. Spending on new assets is compounding the problem. Not surprisingly, reimbursement economics are driving the spend. Put simply, the elimination of outdated manual routines and data-driven enhancements to already converging HIT and HTM workflows deliver far greater ROI than is understood because the ROI mission of staff associated with these processes is not generally considered. This talk will shine a light on a hugely underrated corporate investment opportunity.
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM (CDT) | |
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM (CDT) | Provider Spotlight
The Tennessee Department of Health is committed to reducing overdose deaths in Tennessee. One focal point of the department’s overdose prevention efforts is reducing risky and inappropriate opioid prescribing. Dr. Tyndall will discuss a project, currently underway, to provide opioid prescribing and patient overdose information collected by the state back to Tennessee’s prescribers. Tennessee’s Enhanced Prescriber Reports will be available to registered users of the state’s Controlled Substance Monitoring Database. These reports will include information about the prescriber’s personal prescribing patterns and comparisons with their peers as well as information on patients who have had overdoses reported from hospitals to the state. Dr. Tyndall will discuss the process of designing the reports and the systems to support them as well as the challenges of integrating and sharing state public health data.
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM (CDT) | Fireside Chat
How are provider organizations actually making the leap from simple connectivity to true interoperability, out in the real world? Find out from the leaders of pioneering patient care organizations about their strategies around interoperability, and what the biggest challenges, obstacles, and opportunities are right now. Panelists will discuss the current landscape around interoperability, and the policy, operational and technological advances being made.
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM (CDT) |
Provider spotlight sessions feature local healthcare organization leader(s) discussing how they have changed patient care.
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM (CDT) | |
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (CDT) | |
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM (CDT) | Provider Spotlight
When unexpected findings are discovered in medical imaging tests, care follow-up is critical to successful patient outcomes. After Owensboro Health experienced several patient safety events, an investigation revealed gaps in care coordination. Each event had begun with an incidental finding documented in the radiology report but missed by referring physicians. Without a mechanism for tracking these findings, patients were not informed about key health issues, potentially risking increased morbidity and mortality. This case study of a patient safety initiative at Owensboro Health describes an innovative, coordinated approach that uses natural language understanding (NLU)
technology fully integrated with the organization’s EHR to alert, track, audit and report incidental findings. The automated workflow has resulted in a nine-fold increase in
identification and communication of incidental findings for improved patient safety.
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM (CDT) | |
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM (CDT) | Industry Partner Spotlight
In this session, industry leaders will discuss how analytics are being applied to challenges of clinical and operational transformation. Data analytics is quickly becoming an essential function in any effort to rework core patient care delivery and operational processes; and the first initiatives are emerging that are leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Find out what industry leaders are up to and the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM (CDT) | Tailboard Talk
EMR usability, as well as the efficiencies of a well-built EMR, are hugely important for many stakeholders across all healthcare delivery organizations. Join our panelists to discuss how they build a culture of partnership between physician and clinician users, IT personnel, and other stakeholders to drive a quality EMR experience, increase EMR engagement, and help users focus on opportunities for EMR success in their organizations. Discussion topics include:
- How they continually adapt the EMR to meet the changing needs of the organization and users
- How to develop a non-bureaucratic governance structure that allows for changes to be made quickly to the EMR
- How they build a culture of sharing and continuing education to support mastery of the EMR by all users
- How they improve EHR satisfaction and reduce EHR-associated burnout among clinicians
- How they built or are building a quality EMR – cutting through the hype and choosing a vendor that works for their organization, based on best practices and feedback from the users
Mark Hagland, Editor-in-Chief, Healthcare InnovationChristopher Kunney, CPHIMS, CPHIT, MSMOT Chief Of Strategy & Business Development, DSS, Inc.David Danhauer, MD, FAAP, FHIMSS CMIO, Owensboro HealthLiz Griffith, MSOD Provider Success Manager, KLAS Research Session supported by:
