Fireside Chat
Building the Best EMR Experience for Your Organization
EMR usability, as well as the efficiencies of a well-built EMR, are hugely important for many stakeholders across all healthcare delivery organizations. Join our panelists to discuss how they build a culture of partnership between physician and clinician users, IT personnel, and other stakeholders to drive a quality EMR experience, increase EMR engagement, and help users focus on opportunities for EMR success in their organizations. Discussion topics include:
- How they continually adapt the EMR to meet the changing needs of the organization and users
- How to develop a non-bureaucratic governance structure that allows for changes to be made quickly to the EMR
- How they build a culture of sharing and continuing education to support mastery of the EMR by all users
- How they improve EHR satisfaction and reduce EHR-associated burnout among clinicians
- How they built or are building a quality EMR – cutting through the hype and choosing a vendor that works for their organization, based on best practices and feedback from the users
Mark Hagland, Editor-in-Chief, Healthcare Innovation
Josh Wymer, MSPM MA MSN RN RN-BC CPHIMS NEA-BC FACHE Chief Health Information Officer - San Diego Market, Defense Health Agency
Josh Wymer, MSPM MA MSN RN RN-BC CPHIMS NEA-BC FACHE Chief Health Information Officer - San Diego Market, Defense Health Agency

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*The views expressed during this discussion are those of the participant and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Navy, Department of Defense, nor the U.S. Government.