Wednesday, November 2, 2022, 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Opening Keynote
Master Patient/Person Index and Health Information Exchange: Standardizing Fundamentals That Lead to Patient Safety
It starts at the first entry point as data is gathered about the patient. If it’s not right at the start, the downstream impact can be catastrophic – wrong patient, wrong medication, wrong clinical decision-making. Join a national and state panel of health information professionals and learn about initiatives that address the fundamentals and interdependencies of ensuring that patient identification is accurate at the beginning and a necessity for achieving interoperability within the healthcare exchange ecosystem.
Panelists will discuss:
- Principles of a Clean MPI
- CHIA Toolkit for Enterprise Master Person/Patient Index
- Patient ID Now Coalition (who they are)
- Patient ID Now Coalition Survey; Pain Points (AHIMA)
- Interoperability – the next step – organization to organization
- Cures Act/Health Information Exchange
- EHI Definition and USCDI – Implications for Exchange and Markers for Identification and TEFCA
- Privacy & Security Implications
Mark Hagland, Editor-in-Chief - Healthcare Innovation
Roberta B. Baranda, MS, RHIA, CHP Director, Health Information Management, Clinical Documentation Improvement & Coding, Data Governance Officer - Valley Children's Healthcare
Diane Premeau, MBA, RHIA, CHP SFHN Director of Health Information Services - San Francisco Department of Public Health
Andrew Tomlinson, Director, Regulatory Affairs - AHIMA | American Health Information Management Association
Roberta B. Baranda, MS, RHIA, CHP Director, Health Information Management, Clinical Documentation Improvement & Coding, Data Governance Officer - Valley Children's Healthcare
Diane Premeau, MBA, RHIA, CHP SFHN Director of Health Information Services - San Francisco Department of Public Health
Andrew Tomlinson, Director, Regulatory Affairs - AHIMA | American Health Information Management Association