Thursday, November 3, 2022, 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Panel Discussion
EHR Optimization and the Physician Burnout Factor
At a time of extreme pressure and stress for practicing physicians, one of the key areas of focus around the topic of EHR optimization has become the overall effort to avert physician burnout. Among the issues involved:
- First of all, what is physician burnout, in the context of EHR use? What do we know about its causes, and sources of relief?
- What are the key areas in which EHRs can be optimized in the physician workflow, but which still require ongoing effort and strategy?
- What are the leading-edge organizations doing in this area?
- What are the biggest challenges to EHR optimization to improve workflow and ease physician burnout?
- What are the biggest lessons learned so far in this area?
- What does this journey into EHR optimization look like, healthcare system-wide, in the next few years?
Mark Hagland, Editor-in-Chief - Healthcare Innovation
Jason Hess, Executive Vice President of Provider Success - KLAS Research
Kevin Baldwin, Informatics Portfolio Manager - UCLA Health
Jason Hess, Executive Vice President of Provider Success - KLAS Research
Kevin Baldwin, Informatics Portfolio Manager - UCLA Health