AEM: Intelligent buildings no longer represent a distant vision of future technological advancement. The ability to converge multiple building applications on a single communications platform exists today, and that ability is being realized in some modern structures. For many others, the opportunity exists to design and deploy the infrastructure systems that are the foundation for building intelligence, particularly including the cabling and networking systems that serve as the central nervous system of an intelligent building. This presentation focuses on detailed tactics used to ensure the physical network infrastructure is capable of supporting a smart building’s communications requirements. This includes the physical cabling, with a look at the various tests defined in ANSI/TIA 1152.A, testing of SPE links, Power Delivery, the importance of SNR based testing to ensure required link speed.
Corning: As the smart building movement gains momentum, the benefits to the building occupants and network managers are clear ... but how does it impact your network budget? By adopting a new way of thinking about how we design a smart network, considerable savings can be made—both onthe Capex and the Opex side. We’ll examine use cases discuss how planning smart equals less cable, fewer closets and streamlined pathways, reducing costs. And once the network is up, these intelligent structures are reducing energy spend and setting up easy upgrades—without rip andreplace--when new technology arrives.