The "Easy Button" for Healthcare Engagement

Strategies for using AI chat to drive consumer-centric models for accessing the right care and patient services

36% of the US adult population doesn’t have a preferred healthcare brand and, regardless of affiliation, everyone shops before they buy. It’s more imperative than ever that healthcare organizations create memorable, connected patient experiences that build brand loyalty and long term relationships.

Clearstep’s CEO, Adeel Malik, and DuPage Medical Group’s SVP of Patient Experience and Clinical Innovation, Joel Nelson, present new, practical strategies to leverage AI chat to offer patients a convenient, digital smart care routing and scheduling experience that acts as the front-door to their personal care journey.

They’ll also share a roadmap for medical groups and health systems to consider as they further expand AI chat use-cases to support an integrated, intelligent healthcare experience that keeps patients engaged in their care journey toward improved health outcomes, while enhancing clinical capacities.


Presented by:

 Adeel Malik
 CEO and Co-Founder


 Adeel co-founded Clearstep out of a desire   
 to revolutionize the way patients are able to find and access the right care while enabling healthcare organizations to better leverage advanced digital technologies. In his role, he coordinates with Clearstep customers, product teams, healthcare industry experts, investors, and others to ensure Clearstep remainds at the forefront of driving innovation in smart care routing.

Under Adeel’s leadership, Clearstep has partnered with some of the leading healthcare institutions in the world. He was featured in Built In Chicago's 50 Startups to Watch in 2020 and was one of the inaugural members of the UnitedHealthcare accelerator. Adeel was also named one of Chicago's 20 in their 20's by Crain's Chicago Business in 2020.

Prior to co-founding Clearstep in 2018, Adeel was a strategy and analytics consultant at Accenture where he worked with some of the largest institutions in healthcare across pharma, health tech, health systems, and retail. Before joining Accenture, he also spent three years as a neuro-immunology researcher at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

 Joel Nelson 
 Senior Vice President of Clinical Innovation 
 and Patient Experience 

 DuPage Medical Group (DMG)

Joel Nel­son serves as Senior Vice Pres­i­dent of Clin­i­cal Inno­va­tion and Patient Expe­ri­ence at DuPage Med­ical Group (DMG). In his lead­er­ship role, he upholds a growth-ori­ent­ed mind­set, allow­ing him to con­front chal­lenges and envi­sion cre­ative ideas that push inno­va­tion for­ward with success.

Joel part­ners with the senior man­age­ment team and physi­cian lead­ers to devel­op inno­v­a­tive tech­nolo­gies, pro­grams and ini­tia­tives to advance DMG’s clin­i­cal inno­va­tion agen­da and cre­ate a dis­tinc­tive patient experience.

Joel brings a diverse con­sumer-cen­tric inno­va­tion back­ground to DMG, with pri­or lead­er­ship roles in retail, finan­cial and con­sumer ser­vices, and enter­prise soft­ware-as-a-ser­vice indus­tries. Most recent­ly, Joel was the Vice Pres­i­dent of Inno­va­tion for Unit­ed­Health­care, a $180 bil­lion rev­enue divi­sion of Unit­ed­Health Group (NYSE: UNH). His inno­va­tion team was respon­si­ble for strate­gic growth pri­or­i­ties across the plat­form includ­ing launch­ing new care deliv­ery mod­els, dri­ving bet­ter mem­ber expe­ri­ences through tech­nol­o­gy and solv­ing for social deter­mi­nants of health. Pri­or to UHC, he held the role of Senior Direc­tor, Strate­gic Growth at Best Buy (NYSE: BBY) where he was respon­si­ble for devel­op­ing strat­e­gy and inno­va­tion approach­es with­in the Strate­gic Growth Office across sev­er­al mar­ket ver­ti­cals, includ­ing: con­nect­ed enter­tain­ment, home healthcare/wellness, home ener­gy and home automa­tion, which ulti­mate­ly went on to become Best Buy Health, a bil­lion dol­lar divi­sion of BBY.

The many oppor­tu­ni­ties for inno­va­tion and prob­lem solv­ing is what drew Joel to health­care. Cut­ting-edge research, ever­chang­ing advance­ments and cross-col­lab­o­ra­tion across mul­ti­ple indus­tries exhil­a­rate him. He is moti­vat­ed by healthcare’s chal­lenge to build a future where indi­vid­u­als help oth­ers avoid pain and sick­ness, which, in turn, can lead to health­i­er and more ful­fill­ing lifestyles.

In Joel’s spare time, he enjoys being in nature with his wife and three kids. Regard­less if they are hit­ting the slopes, climb­ing trails or rid­ing waves, his fam­i­ly loves to snow­board, ski, hike and surf. As a pro­po­nent of exer­cise, he also likes to par­tic­i­pate in triathlon races. With­in the com­mu­ni­ty, he vol­un­teers with a youth orga­ni­za­tion at his church and men­tors entre­pre­neurs and start­up companies.

The most reward­ing accom­plish­ment of Joel’s career thus far has been being a part of entre­pre­neur­ship. As a for­mer entre­pre­neur, he has con­tin­ued to help oth­ers launch their busi­ness­es and imple­ment new prod­ucts, tech­nol­o­gy and thou­sands of jobs.
Lead­er­ship Recognitions

  • Found­ed UnitedHealthcare’s Health­care Start­up Accel­er­a­tor pow­ered by Tech­stars in 2019




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