Wednesday, February 8, 2023, 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
The New Dynamics of Patient Engagement in a Changing Operational and Clinical Landscape
“Patient engagement” used to be thought of as a soft, even “sweet,” “nice-to-have” element—something accomplished through friendly marketing brochures and very broad-based “feel-good” campaigns. In fact, in the wake of the most challenging months of the COVID-19 pandemic and the concomitant awakening of many healthcare consumers, as well as the broad spread of population health management and care management programs in hospitals, medical groups, and health systems, healthcare leaders nationwide are realizing that patient engagement will actually turn out to be a core tool in making patients active members of their care teams. Find out what nationwide leaders are doing, and what they’re learning as they move forward in this key area.
Mark Hagland, Editor-in-Chief - Healthcare Innovation
John Donohue, Vice President of Information Services - Entity Services - Penn Medicine
Isaiah Nathaniel, CPHIMS, VP & CIO - Delaware Valley Community Health
Elizabeth Menschner, DNP, MAS, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, Vice President of Patient Care Services - Riddle Memorial Hospital
Daniel Stensland, Director of Strategy - Gozio
John Donohue, Vice President of Information Services - Entity Services - Penn Medicine
Isaiah Nathaniel, CPHIMS, VP & CIO - Delaware Valley Community Health
Elizabeth Menschner, DNP, MAS, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, Vice President of Patient Care Services - Riddle Memorial Hospital
Daniel Stensland, Director of Strategy - Gozio