Wednesday, February 8, 2023, 1:45 PM - 2:15 PM
New Directions in Digital Health: ChristianaCare’s Bold Moves
Gemma Lowery, Technology Manager for Digital Solutions in the Center for Virtual Health at ChristianaCare, joins us for a fireside chat-style conversation with Healthcare Innovation Editor-in-Chief Mark Hagland. We will learn about how Lowery and her team are working collaboratively with key clinician, informatics, and administrative leaders to architect their broad strategy around digital health, one that includes virtual healthcare delivery—virtual nursing and virtual medical practice—and the health system’s hospital-at-home program. We will find out what Lowery and her colleagues are learning, as they build out new and innovative sites and modalities of care.
Mark Hagland, Editor-in-Chief - Healthcare Innovation
Gemma Lowery, MBA, CATC, Technology Manager, Digital Solutions - ChristianaCare Health System
Gemma Lowery, MBA, CATC, Technology Manager, Digital Solutions - ChristianaCare Health System