How to Streamline Your Certification Process using the QGen TQL-1 Qualifiable Auto Code Generator for Simulink(r)/Stateflow(r)
Date & Time
Wednesday, June 30, 2021, 3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

This session will introduce the QGen Auto Code Generator for Simulink(r)/Stateflow(r) and explain the advantages provided by a TQL-1 Qualification, in terms of reduced time and effort to certify a Simulink-based application. The talk will identify the DO-178C and DO-331 objectives that are covered by the QGen code generator, meaning that your team can avoid many of the most labor-intensive steps involved in achieving certification, even at the highest level of criticality. The talk is aimed at both engineers and managers for such critical systems development activities, and will cover the features of the QGen code generator, as well as other tools with which it is integrated, including a model-level debugger and testing tools for Simulink-based applications running in embedded targets.

S. Tucker Taft
Virtual Session Link