Wednesday, October 12, 2022, 10:45 AM - 11:15 AM
Provider Spotlight
Washington State Health Care Authority's Journey Toward Health Equity, Connectivity, and Interoperability

Vishal Chaudry, Chief Data Officer and Kelly McPherson, Health IT Coordinator at  the Washington State Health Care Authority, will share with the audience information and insights into some of the several major initiatives that the Authority is involved in right now, in working towards health equity, connectivity, and interoperability for providers in Washington state. Among other things, Chaudry, McPhearson and their colleagues are advancing work around data exchange for behavioral healthcare data, looking at how they can support providers statewide around the social determinants of health, and are advocating for a program to support EHR-as-a-service for behavioral and rural providers.

Mark Hagland Vishal Chaudhry Kelly McPherson