- Differentiate between the types of inflammation with a focus on the chronic inflammatory process. Healthy tissue doesn’t bleed! Look beyond the teeth and gums to guide your patients to true systemic health and wellbeing.
- Learn how to identify gut dysbiosis and provide your patients with a nutritional game plan to address gut health. The vast majority of your immune system resides in your gut. You cannot heal the mouth if you do not heal the gut!
- Uncover and identify airway, breathing, and sleep related issues that determine a patient's overall inflammatory burden contributing to chronic disease.
- Create a bio-logical treatment plan that promotes and treats the mouth while supporting and enhancing the health of the entire body.
Venture beyond traditional dental hygiene philosophies and practices to become the true healer, super healthcare professional, and keystone provider you’ve always longed to be.
Why does traditional learning believe that a prophy by itself will make an unhealthy mouth healthy?
Look deeper than your scaler and polisher to gain a complete understanding of how inflammation, the immune system, gut dysbiosis, poor nutritional habits, and even orofacial disorders all play a role in overall oral and systemic health.
This course will provide you with up-to-date information and techniques that can confidently be applied in a Bio-Logical 21st century dental hygiene practice. Fall in love with your profession all over again and elevate your patient’s care while utilizing a modern evidence-based approach.
6000 West Osceola Parkway
Kissimmee, FL 34746
United States
CEU Credits: 2