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Salivary Testing will be incorporated into the workshop. Pickup your test kit during registration at the Direct Diagnostics table by the Main Registration Counter.
Note: This is not a requirement but will be included in the workshop. No eating or drinking 30 minutes prior to taking salivary test.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand why oral is systemic
- Know why to test, who to test, and how to test with salivary diagnostics
- Learn how to use testing results to personalize periodontal treatment
- Practice using chair side guidebooks, resources and key communication strategies to implement testing
Have you been struck by the “Curse of Hygiene?” ● Guessing what is causing the periodontal infection - only to blame the patient in needing to brush and floss more ● Guessing the severity of the periodontal infection - only saying a little bleeding and then needing a tourniquet by the end of the prophylaxis ● Guessing the best treatment for the periodontal infection - only to move from one product to the next needing a better solution for recurrent disease Well it's time to stop the “Hygiene Insanity”- doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Participate in this hands- on workshop where you will have the opportunity to saliva test yourself. You will learn key strategies from oral systemic presentation techniques to personalized treatment planning based on your test results. In the process you will utilize chair side guidebooks, resources, and key communication to be able to implement into practice immediately.
Kits may be picked up starting Wednesday, July 20 2:00pm-6:30pm and Thursday, July 21 starting at 6:00am. Test must be completed, and kit returned by Thursday at 3:00pm to the Direct Diagnostics table by main registration. The timing is important so results may be provided for you to use during the workshop.
6000 West Osceola Parkway
Kissimmee, FL 34746
United States
CEU Credits: 2