Coral South Project comprises the installation of a floating liquefied natural gas facility (Coral Sul FLNG) to gather the gas production from six (6) wells at 2000 meters water depth. The project is operated by ENI on behalf of Area 4 partners and is located 80km offshore northern Mozambique in the Rovuma Basin. The FLNG has a nameplate production of 3.4 MTPA and a design life of 25 years. It is the world’s first ultra-deep water FLNG, Africa’s first full function open sea FLNG and first in Mozambique. Coral-Sul FLNG has an internal non-disconnectable turret system to transfer fluids and control to the subsea field and it is the world deepest and largest internal turret for ultra-deep water designed to sustain cyclonic conditions. Coral Sul Subsea Production System consists of three (3) production clusters with a dedicated double looped subsea flowline and an umbilical for control and chemical supply. Subsea dual headers and 2 hubs integrated manifolds allows production collection from gas producers, control (hydraulic and electrical) and chemical distribution to each well. The subsea production well is equipped with a 7x2’’ Horizontal Xmas Tree including choke and wet gas flow meter system. Subsea wells completion development has been carried out between March and November 2021 by drillship in SIMOPS with the Installation campaigns throughout 2021. SURF installation involved subsea structures (Manifolds and Xmas Trees), flexible flowlines & risers, umbilicals and multibore wellhead jumpers. Installation operations and Drilling & Completion campaigns have been successfully executed with the support of Pemba logistic bases. FLNG departed the fabrication yard in South Korea mid-November 2021 and arrived in Mozambique operations site in early January 2022 with all the offshore installation campaign for the mooring and hook up of the subsea production system occurring in the most challenging period due to the potential for cyclones to occur. This presentation highlights the experience and lessons learned gained during the subsea production system installation, turret fabrication and all the planning and challenges faced during the FLNG mooring, offshore installation and SURF hook up activities.