Forum Agenda

Thursday, July 16, 2020
9:45 AM
10:00 AM


The ‘Penn Test Security Challenge’ uses gamification penetration testing exercises as part of their security program to provide Penn Medicine with uniquely experienced staff that can effectively assess internal technologies to mitigate advanced vulnerabilities before they ever occur. Hacker and exploitation gaming not only increases the staff’s satisfaction; it simultaneously matures their skill level. Performing penetration testing exercises with real-world vulnerabilities and exploits, enables team-building and discovery to understand complex attacker techniques as well as remediate technology security issues. Building skills in a creative way prevents knowledge gaps for undiscovered threats and potential for new exploit attempts by malicious attackers. This session will focus on how this unique training: 

  • increased employee retention
  • expanded team knowledge and experience
  • reduced organizational risk




11:00 AM
Fireside Chat


As threats have become more advanced and the healthcare industry has been increasingly targeted by cyber-attackers, security teams are struggling to keep up. The security skills shortage coupled with limited resources magnifies the challenges already posed by machine-speed attacks, insider threats, and low-and-slow attacks. Join Rajiv Leventhal and Justin Fier for an in-depth discussion on:

  • The latest, real-world, current threat challenges in healthcare
  • Best practices to keep up with today’s rapidly evolving cyber attacks
  • How organizations can detect and respond to insider threat 





12:00 PM


Join Salwa Rafee and Rajiv Leventhal for in-depth discussion on how healthcare delivery organizations across the world have maintained a strong security posture while rapidly shifting as much patient care delivery to remote connections, even before being able to fully securitize their telehealth-based operations, while responding to the COVID-19 outbreak.




1:00 PM


Brian Wells, Chief Information Security Officer for HealthShare Exchange, joins Healthcare Innovation editor David Rath’s for a discussion on the role and responsibilities of HIE’s in securing the data they share on behalf of their members and community.





2:00 PM
Keynote Presentation


Join Phil Richards and Stephen McCollum for in-depth discussion on how IT and security leaders can continue to provide top-tier service to their internal customers and keep the enterprise secure during the time of rapidly changing business demands. This session will focus on delivering IT resources, the current cyber threat landscape in healthcare and provide tips for IT and security professionals to use tomorrow. 







3:00 PM


Join Tara Matthews and Mark Hagland for a lively discussion on the best practices for developing and cultivating a top-notch cybersecurity team as well as an in-depth discussion on balancing the work of being a CIO and CISO in the same organization.