Full Name
Brandon Steckler
Job Title
Technical Editor, Motor Age
Endeavor Business Media
Speaker Bio
Brandon is a working technician at Lykon Automotive in Bristol, Pa., who specializes in drivability and diagnostics issues. He began his career at Northampton County Community College in Bethlehem, Pa. He was a student of GM’s Automotive Service Educational Program and in 2001, he graduated at the top of his class, earning the GM Leadership Award for his efforts. He has worked in the field for more than 18 years and holds ASE certifications for A1-A9, X1, L1, L2 and L3 and C1. He is a GM ASEP Certified Technician, SATURN Certified Master Technician and a Honda Factory Certified Master Technician.

Brandon serves as Motor Age Technical Editor, beta tests diagnostic equipment for multiple automotive tool companies and teaches for both CarQuest Technical Institute and WorldPAC.
Brandon Steckler