Technicians Service Training (TST) was spun off from the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) a utomotive technician service group, Service Technicians Society (STS). When SAE shut down their affiliate STS, "G" Jerry Truglia felt there was a void in providing information to technicians for a reasonable price. G and former STS board member Pierre Respaut shared a common interest in keeping technicians updated on today’s technology. They formed TST, a non-for-profit organization, to help fellow technicians and shop owners by sharing their knowledge. TST, which produces an annual daylong training program called the “Big Event,” is a 501(c)(3) educational not-for-profit devoted to the following since its inception: • Keeping our fellow technicians up to date with the latest technology. • Providing quality training seminars and educational materials at a reasonable price. • Delivering practical, useful repair information. • Keeping technicians informed of industry trends. TST is a group of dedicated technicians and instructors who believe in updating and educating our fellow technicians, providing reasonably priced seminars as well as a yearly full-day Saturday “Big Event”. Our seminars are presented by nationally recognized instructors, who are all “hands-on” industry experts with up to date knowledge about current trends and practices. They provide useful information and skills to help you master those tough jobs that we all see on a regular basis. TSTs newsletter is full of real world technical articles, diagnostic case studies and solutions to the kinds of problems you may see in your bays every week. We welcome all new articles. TST members frequently contribute to our newsletter which we encourage. TST member benefits include: discounts on seminars, webcasts, videos, books and other available training, as well as tools, equipment. TST seminars are an excellent place to network with the best technicians in the business.