Can Cybersecurity Be Easy?
Date & Time
Friday, September 20, 2019, 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Back in 2005, Marcus Ranum wrote in his “The Six Dumbest Ideas in Computer Security” article that, “sometime around 1992 the amount of Badness in the Internet began to vastly outweigh the amount of Goodness”. So why are we still focused on chasing “badness”? This approach might have been sufficient in the 1990s and arming ourselves with just an antivirus and a firewall gave us a sense of security, but this is definitely no longer the case.
- Understand the definition of Negative Security and Positive Security models, with examples, advantages and disadvantages
- Describe the attack kill chain and intentions behind most attacks
- See demos of advanced attacks that bypass the majority of existing security controls
- Learn how to correctly implement defense-in-depth best practices
Submission Type
Industry Partner Spotlight
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