Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
From crisis to recovery: Lessons learned from a hospital's ransomware attack

Cyber attacks against any organization are disturbing. But when it happens to a hospital, the stakes are even higher. These incidents jeopardize a hospital's capacity to deliver essential patient care, posing significant risks to patient safety and the general public.

Join our guest speaker Tamra Durfee as she guides you through a real-life ransomware event that occurred in a hospital, and shares essential knowledge that helped them contain the spread.

You'll come away with a clear understanding of:
•    What a hospital experiences during a ransomware event
•    Ways to bolster your organization's resilience against future threats
•    Top 10 recommendations for responding to and preparing for ransomware incidents

Mark Hagland Tamra Durfee