The leading source of NEC information and training.

In two informative and interest-filled days at EC&M's Code Change Conferences, you'll learn about major NEC changes that will impact your work, whether you're an electrician, contractor, engineer, designer, or plant/facility maintenance professional. 

Electrical professionals have the responsibility to ensure a safe Code-compliant system that is designed, installed, and inspected to meet NEC requirements. Your knowledge about the NEC is critical to your success, so attend this program and stay up to date on the latest changes in the Code.

Who Should Attend

  • Electricians
  • Contractors
  • Engineers
  • Designers
  • Inspector
  • Plant/facility maintenance professionals

Sponsorship opportunities are available for the 2023 NEC Code Change Conferences.  For more information, contact Mike Hellmann, VP Market Leader at or +1-978-289-0098.