
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM (PST)
Keynote Presentation


Join us for our opening session featuring two of the most dynamic and progressive CIOs in California.




10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (PST)
Industry Partner Spotlight


Anyone who has ever had to seek medical attention for an injury, illness, or even just a simple check-up knows how frustrating and long the process can be just to get the care you need. It’s at best an inconvenience and at worst, long wait times can deepen the severity of a patient’s condition. It’s a symptom of our current healthcare system that plays out hundreds of thousands of times a day across the country. And it’s created a lose/lose/lose scenario for physicians, patients, and medical facilities. Mohan will walk through the core principles and applications covered in his new book (co-authored by Sanjeev Agrawal) published by ForbesBooks: Better Healthcare Through Math: Bending the Access and Cost Curves.




Session supported by:


11:30 AM - 12:00 PM (PST)
Industry Partner Spotlight


Join Ivanti for an in-depth discussion on how IT and security leaders can continue to provide top-tier service to their internal customers and keep the enterprise secure during the time of rapidly changing business demands. This session will focus on delivering IT resources, the current cyber threat landscape in healthcare, and provide tips for IT and security professionals to use within their own organizations.




Session supported by:

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM (PST)
Fireside Chat


Join Diane Blackburn, the Executive Director of Prime Accountable Care in a discussion with Mark Hagland about a very impactful communication tool that has improved care and increased communication for organizations working with their ACO. The session will focus on the positive changes of this program to physician engagement, outcomes, costs, and resource utilization.




2:30 PM - 3:15 PM (PST)
Provider Spotlight


In January of 2020, the specialty drug testing laboratory Millennium Health announced that it had joined forces with the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide real-time data to help combat our country’s ongoing drug overdose epidemic. The collaboration has resulted in a clinically relevant, high-value analytics platform that is bringing attention to trends in drug use and misuse detected by Millennium’s testing services and providing resources that professionals caring for patients can use to help better identify and treat those who are coping with the devastating disease of addiction Join us for an in-depth discussion on the success of the program, how it was established, the collaboration it took to do so, the results, and the tech that powered it.




9:00 AM - 10:00 AM (PST)
Tailboard Talk


EMR usability, as well as the efficiencies of a well-built EMR, are hugely important for physicians. Join our panelists to discuss how they build a culture of partnership between physician and clinician users, and IT personnel, to drive a quality EMR experience, increase EMR engagement, and helping users focus on opportunities for EMR success in their organizations.

Discussion topics include:

  • Developing a non-bureaucratic governance structure that allows for changes to be made quickly to the EMR when needed
  • How they developed initial training programs, recognizing that the quality and duration of initial training are the top predictors of an individual’s EMR success
  • Building a culture of sharing, continuing education to support mastery of the EMR and helping clinicians become superusers by training them not only to successfully get data into the EMR but also to efficiently get data out of the EMR
  • Building a quality EMR – cutting through the hype and choosing a vendor that work for their organization, based on best practices and feedback from the users




Session presented in partnership with:

Session supported by:

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (PST)
Industry Partner Spotlight


Join Dan Cowan for a presentation on the implementation of hybrid cloud solutions in healthcare. This session will focus on application strategy, hyperconverged infrastructure, and virtualization strategies you can deploy in your organization.




Session supported by:


12:00 PM - 12:30 PM (PST)
Provider Spotlight


Join Maria Caban Alizondo and Mark Hagland for in-depth discussion on how teams can work efficiently, remotely. This session will focus on work flow, leadership, tech, employee interaction, and more. 





Session produced in partnership with:


1:00 PM - 1:30 PM (PST)
Provider Spotlight


Coming into 2020, pre-COVID-19, implementing digital health technologies was a shared focus for hospitals and health system leaders across the nation. Not only were these technologies being used to reshape the ways physicians and patients interact with one another in the constant pursuit of enabling better care, but organizations were looking for ways to apply digital health resources to improve the patient and provider experience, as well as to streamline operations.

Join Dr. Natalie Pageler, MD, Chief Medical Information Officer at Stanford Children’s Health for an in-depth conversation on how new and emerging technologies can help health systems to deliver improved experiences and, ultimately, meet organizational goals. This session will focus on how healthcare organizations can help achieve core goals in quality, patient engagement and satisfaction, and provider experience and efficiency – using examples from Dr. Pageler and the team at Stanford Children’s Health.





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