Hold the Line: The Importance of the Voice Channel in Patient Engagement

As part of the digital transformation of healthcare, more and more providers are turning to chatbots. But according to a 2023 report on top communication channels for patient retention, the phone is the most preferred means of communicating with their healthcare providers. Webchat has its place, but a solid patient engagement strategy is all about meeting patients — with a range of ages, lifestyles, socioeconomic levels — where they are. By enabling self-service and 24x7 automation on all channels, healthcare providers can honor patient preferences and advance patient access.

Join us as we discuss patient engagement and the successes our clients have seen with NLU-powered AI. Discover the key technology considerations for frictionless patient interactions and learn how intelligent automation achieves financial and operational gains.



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Nuance, a Microsoft company
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Nuance, a Microsoft company
Healthcare Innovation


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