The New Reality of Securing Healthcare
Listeners will benefit from a broad-based discussion of some of the most important trends in cybersecurity n U.S. healthcare right now. Among the key issues that are discussed:
- An examination of the current landscape around intensifying threat vectors for patient care organizations nationwide
- The need to develop an overarching strategy to address all relevant elements in the current operating landscape, rather than responding reactively
- A strong look at the armory of key tools available to combat malware/ransomware attacks, including network micro-segmentation, auditing of system backups, behavioral monitoring, and the engagement of external consultants, including security operations centers (SOCs)
- The concept of a zero-trust strategy, and what it means in practice
- Investing in systems, tools, and applications: opportunities and pitfalls
- Federal policy around cybersecurity and its impact on operations
- Gaining c-suite support for investment in cybersecurity
- Core staffing issues
- Peering into the future in this critical area

Healthcare Cybersecurity Luminary

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